Biography of Andrey Bodrov
Bodrov Andrey was born in 1968 in Leningrad. Before attending classes in LVHPU of V. I. Mukhina (now Academies of the baron Shtiglits) he visited a fine art studio about ten years in the Palace of pioneers of Leningrad where G. M. Korshunova was his first teacher. In children's and youthful years it gave rise dream to express harmony of the world, pleasure of life in the works. Feelings of a rhythm and light will come gradually, in the course of the study proceeding within long years in studio of professional development at Art fund LOSCH under the leadership of teachers A.Z. Davydov, S. B. Epstein. Undoubtedly, the artist L.G. Bashkov, but even more – the traditions of the Leningrad academic art school apprehended by it as the highest reference points of graphic culture had a great influence on formation of its creative position. Following to these traditions defined a realistic basis of its works, clarity of composite constructions, poetic judgment of natural graphic motives.